Modern Family, Busy Mom!

The doorbell rings. At the same moment, the dog runs across the living room with a dirty diaper in his mouth.  The washing machine is making a funny noise and now the baby starts crying.  Ahh, just another moment in the life of a mom with young children.

Moms.  Multi-tasking mavens, juggling numerous jobs, both big and small, always making lists…ah the endless to do lists…  We deal with deciding what to eat for breakfast to soothing crying children late at night and everything in between that time.  Selfless, giving, often putting ourselves last in the list of family priorities.

It’s no wonder that I often overhear moms say, “Drat, I didn’t have time to work out today!”  So I went to ask my very fit friends, who also happen to be moms, their secret to working out regularly.  For every excuse I’ve heard and used, I got some great replies:

“I’m too busy!”

–        Make working out a priority and you will find time.  If you can find time for Facebook, you can find time to do a 1 minute plank.

“There’s no one to watch the kids today”

–        Uforia has a great child care- one where the kids are not confined to a tiny closet or sat in front of a tv.  You can sign up the same way you sign up for a class.

–        If regular babysitting is hard on the budget, you can always barter babysitting time with another mom.  It’s a great way for your child to socialize and chances are the other mom would like a workout too!

“My kids won’t let me exercise, they are always interrupting me!”

–         If you can’t beat’em, join’em!  Children do like to spend time with mom, so include them in your workout.  Skip rope with them in the backyard or have a hula hooping contest together! Come to Julie’s hooping class on Wednesday night at 7:30 pm to learn some tricks to impress your kids with.

–        Can you workout an hour before the kids wake up or after they go to bed? Uforia has lots of great 6 am classes like uDefine and uCycle.

“I’m too exhausted…”

–        If you find that by the end of your busy day you are too tired to exercise, don’t wait until the end of the day- Can you get up an hour earlier to workout?  Can you fit the workout in before your other tasks?

The bottom line from the moms I talked to seemed to be, if you make it a priority, it will happen.  Taking the time to workout makes you a better mom for both physical and mental reasons.  What are your tips for fitting in a workout in your busy schedule?

For a list of childcare and class times, check out the online schedule here.
