Blossom This Spring with Connection


Themes of renewal and awakening are often used for the Spring season. Earth is awakening from her slumber and exploding with new life in cherry blossoms, sunny days and fresh seasonal strawberries. Spring also refers to a season of reflection, connection and growth.

Connecting today isn’t what it used to be. Silicon Valley is buzzing with apps that keep us connected, informed and social. While some of us love it, others feel overwhelmed and we would like nothing more than to disconnect, pull the covers over our head and wait for Summer. However, don’t pull out the armor of comfy blankets just yet! Staying connected and building a strong sense of community is just as beneficial to you as exercise and hygiene. Research shows having a strong sense of community boosts your happiness, improves your immune system and can add years to your life. People who feel they are flourishing in life often say their lives are filled with connection.10548021_759817607415751_5229986544414261465_o

What if you don’t have a big network of friends and/or feeling less social these days?

Don’t fret!  Whether you’re a social butterfly or a more of an introvert, researchers have found people who have a smaller number of close relationships can be just as happy as those with a larger network.

Connection drives happiness. It can be a coffee date with a good friend who energizes you and leaves your internal battery charged positively or using your time to give back or volunteer (being kind promotes a sense of connection and community with others, which is one of the strongest factors in increasing happiness).

Just like eating well and exercising benefit our health; connection is the single most important thing that we can do for our well-being and happiness. For me, it was trying a Hip Hop Class at Uforia. I’d never taken a dance class before, let alone Hip Hop.  I signed up and snuck in the back left corner. Another instructor spotted me and pulled me up to where she was, front and center. I was so nervous but after the first couple minutes, I loosened up and danced my little heart out!  I’m not sure if it was the booty shaking or all the continuous laughter but this class left me smiling for hours! I certainly felt a strong sense of community in this class. Thank you Raquel and Alisha!

I hope with this new season, you can reflect on your own growth and connection. We’d love to hear how you stay connected to the Uforia community.

Join Katie for Free Community Yoga Wednesday 7:30pm-8:30pm in Palo Alto.  

Take a breath, slow down, and join us for 60 minutes of relaxation.
Bring your friends, children, or anyone you know who needs to destress and reconnect with the present moment. 
Sign up!

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